Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 7 - Keto Begins...

Today's my first day with the Keto experimentation.  I am enjoying it so far.  Definitely not hungry; the fat and protein combo sure fills you up.  Here are the numbers I will be shooting for on a daily basis: I need around 170g Protein to maintain my muscle mass, <30g trace carbohydrate, and about 210g Fat per day.  This should put me between 2500-2700 cal/day, which with daily training/movement, will result in a fat loss (obviously coupled with the fat burning effects of the keto as well).

Here's my nutrition for today:

10: 5 eggs, 9 strips bacon [800 cal, 65g Fat, 56g Protein]
1130: Vermont summer sausage [500 cal, 45g Fat, 36g Protein] + some random sample cheese @WFoods
115: package of bacon [630 cal, 50g fat, 35g protein]
5: 3.5oz pork rinds +diet soda [420cal, 27g fat, 48g protein]

Totals = [about 2500cal, 190g fat, 180g protein]

Pretty good for the first day!  Definitely enjoyed my choices.  I've been exhausted today though.  I crashed and had to take a 3 hour nap this afternoon.  My heart was racing pretty fast and I was hot.  But that also may have something to do with the fact that the room I was sleeping in had the sun shining in thru a huge window.  Feeling a tad bloated, but really not too bad, I think just because of the high salt in the bacon and pork rinds that I was eating today.  I will have to find keto choices that are lower in sodium.  I'll continue drinking a lot today and hopefully flush a bunch of it out.  I'm sure once the flood gates open I'll be peeing every 10 minutes.

I had a great idea for a good food to eat on this diet.  I want to find a good raw macadamia nut butter (WF doesn't carry any, surprisingly) and make a power nut butter.  I'll take that jar of mac nut butter and mix it with 4-5 scoops of chocolate protein powder and some ground flax seeds (for fiber) and maybe some heavy cream and water.  It should make some awesome, thick, creamy power nut butter, high in protein and fat that I can enjoy eating.  It'll be high in calories and satiating which will be nice because I prefer a small eating window every day on LeanGains fasting and I'll need some really high quality calories about an hour after my workouts during the week.  Should be great!

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