Sunday, June 19, 2011


Going to begin my one month cut tomorrow (today is Sunday, my rest day).  I've been cooking my chicken breasts in the Foreman grill this afternoon and will store them in a big Tupperware in the fridge so they're readily available and I won't have to cook later.  This batch is seasoned with yellow curry, mmm.

My friend and I were talking about it, and we agree, if I am to get down to my goal BF of being shredded at under 7%, then I'm going to have to make some changes.  I'm ditching the dairy and gluten, they just make me bloat, as well as all of the BBQ sauces and fatty cuts of meat that I eat a lot of.  I still need to maintain a source of healthy fat in my diet, but it probably shouldn't be from dozens of BBQ wings, if you know what I'm saying.

I'm not big on peanut butter like a lot of other people, but I do like avocados and bacon.  I'll pick up some bacon tomorrow at the grocery and have bacon & eggs for dinner a couple nights this week.  Eating in will be the biggest change for me, and it will help a lot.  I've been too into eating out, even when I get tired of the options.  I guess I just love the flavor.  But flavor is not everything, especially when attempting a serious cut.  It's also SO expensive and I am on a stipend for food right now.  If anything, all the money I save on food can go toward my favorite past time, reading.  I always love buying new books!

However, I don't necessarily believe that I'll have to sacrifice flavor on this cut.  I'll be using tons of herbs and spices to keep things interesting.  Like I said, I'm already employing the curry powder as I type this post, and it smells great.

So, to the right is a pic I just took of myself today, June 19th.  Let's see the improvements on July 19th.  Actually, I will take a pic every Sunday and put it up to see a more consistent progress.

I'm probably around 9-10% BF right now.  This is after 2 weeks of BodyBuilding training, but really NO discipline in my dietary habits.  At the point of this pic, I am actually coming down off a two-day shitty food binge.  Feeling pretty bloated and gross.

So all that being said, let's get to it.  I'm shooting to look like this guy, Pham Woodbridge, in a month or two.  He's got the most perfect aesthetics I've ever seen (IMHO).

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