Friday, June 24, 2011

Keto Diet

So I've been reading a bit about the Keto Diet on over the last few days and I think I may give it a shot.  Honestly, I don't think it will be that difficult.  I already eat "Primally" for the most part and focus most of my intake on protein anyways.  I'll just have to make the shift from the fruits that I eat regularly over to more fat.  Eating enough fat will be the most difficult part I think.

So as I understand it, the Cyclical Keto Diet entails the following:

1.  Sunday through Friday you consume next to NO carbohydrates (<30g/day), getting them mostly from greens, veggies, and trace carbs associated with the meat and fat products.
2.  You workout normally, lifting regularly, and consume a whey protein shake religiously after the workout.  You shouldn't consume fat right after the workout, just protein.  (I've also read opinions that you should have carbs with your PWO shake).
3.  You eat whatever the f--- you want during that Sunday-Friday period as long as it is fatty, has no carbs, and can get around 175-200+g of Protein daily as well.
4.  On Friday night thru Saturday night, you consume the vast majority of your intake from carbohydrates (I've read as much as 1900-2000g!!) in order to reload your glycogen stores and therefore allow yourself reserves to draw from during your workouts the following week.
5.  You get cut as shit because you essentially "hack" your body into burning fat as fuel, not just dietary fat, but obviously your body fat as well.  Then on your carb reload day, you don't eat any fat but your body continues using fat because it needs to reload glycogen and it has been programmed to burn body fat now.

Sounds like a good gig for me.  I love eating fatty meats, eggs, and pork rinds.  Like I said, the hardest part for me will likely not be the carbs, it will be getting enough fat in my diet.  I get super nauseous every time I look at (and obvi consume) coconut oil so that is out of the question.  I like butter but don't really cook anything that would require it.  I LOVE bacon, so I'm gonna eat a shit ton of that with eggs.  I love chicken skin as well, so I guess I could eat whole chickens from the market.  Okay well, I am going to begin it on Sunday, my rest day.  Tomorrow I will just do what I normally do.  I'm planning on doing a double in the gym so I will not want to shock my body too much.

However, on the CKD, I predict that I will not be doing much or any cardio...just won't have the energy.  I walk about 3 miles every day anyways around the city so that will be a good amount of cardio for me.  I won't need to (or probably want to) do the sprints and stuff anymore if I stick to this.

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