Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day Four

Rolling right along.  Today was Back & Biceps day, one of my favorite combos to work.  Got a nice pump right away.  Here it is:

  • T-bar rows – 4×8-12 2 drop sets on the last set
  • Reverse grip pulldowns – 3×12
  • Standing DB rows – 3×12
  • Seated cable narrow grip row (superset) – 3×12
  • Behind the neck pulldowns – 3×12
  • Deadlifts superset with straight bar standing pulldowns – 3×5-12
  • Standing BB curl (superset) 3×10-12
  • Cambered bar rollouts 3×10-12
  • Standing Concentration curls (superset) – 3×10-12
  • Rope crunches – 3×10-12
More or less.  I added stuff to it, like more reps and more sets on certain exercises and got pretty heavy with some of the stuff.  I supersetted most of the back exercises with BB bicep curls.  Arms and upper back are toast right now.  Had a difficult time turning the steering wheel in the car, haha.  That's how you know you got a killer workout.  

Here's my nutrition for today: 

1230: Protein Shake, 2 scoops w/water 
1-2: Lift
230: Berry/Protein smoothie (2 scoops protein), large wild grouper steak, grilled
330: Blue Cobb salad from Chopped Greens + Diet Coke
630: 2 Bags of Pork Rinds ...mmm

Total today is around 2200 kcal, 270g PRO, 70g CARB, 85g FAT

Hoping this will expedite the cut and maintain muscle b/c of how I am eating big around my lifts.  I'm going to try and think more about my state-of-mind and certain things that I am thinking about when I go to train every day, just so I can start making these posts more interesting.  However, what I did and what I ate ARE pretty useful, especially when looking back on this to see how I got to where I am about to go.  

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